NavigationArsenalHydro Testing Facilities → Towing Tanks

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Towing Tanks

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Conventional Shorter Than 50m

Conventional Shorter Than 50m (9/- )

Conventional 51-100m

Conventional 51-100m (24/- )

Conventional 101-200m

Conventional 101-200m (25/- )

Conventional 201-300m

Conventional 201-300m (18/- )

Conventional 301-450m

Conventional 301-450m (5/- )

Conventional 451-600m

Conventional 451-600m (4/- )

Conventional Longer Than 601m

Conventional Longer Than 601m (2/- )


Depressurized (2/- )

High Speed

High Speed (9/- )

Shallow Water

Shallow Water (6/- )


Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 101-200m | Shallow Water | Austria

Schiffbautechnische Versuchsanstalt in Wien was founded 1912. Vienna Model Basin Ltd is a service provider for the maritime sector and ship  technologies.

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SVA Postdam

Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 201-300m | Germany

Potsdam Model Basin (SVA) is a service provider in the field of ship hydrodynamics since 1953.

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Texas Tech

Towing Tanks | Conventional Shorter Than 50m | USA

Mechanical engineering at Texas Tech work on a number of research projects. Several laboratories provide opportunities for hands-on research such as the towing tank.

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Towing Tanks | Circulating Water Channels | Hydroacoustic Tanks | Japan

Established as Research and Development Center, National Safety Agency in 1952. Renamed as Technical Research and Development Institute (TRDI), Japan Defense Agency in 1958.

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TU Berlin

Towing Tanks | Conventional 201-300m | Germany

In Technische Universität Berlin the department of Experimental Fluid Mechanics conducts teaching and research in the large fields of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 51-100m | Conventional 101-200m | Netherlands

Delft University of Technology - Ship Hydromechanics research facilities has two (150m and 80m) towing tanks and a cavitation tunnel.

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Towing Tanks | Conventional 51-100m | Argentina

University of Buenos Aires, Canal de Experiencas de Arqitectura Naval.

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Towing Tanks | Shallow Water | Belgium

Ghent University, abbreviated to UGent, was founded in 1817. At present the facilities consist of a shallow water towing tank, equipped with a planar motion carriage, a wave generator and an auxiliary carriage for ship-ship interaction tests.

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Universität Rostock

Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Germany

Universität Rostock is one of the oldest teaching and research institutions in the field of marine engineering technology in Germany primarily focused on the development, validation and application of theoretical and experimental methods.

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Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Towing Tanks | Conventional 101-200m | Malaysia

The Department of Marine Technology at UTM (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) was established in 1999.

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University of California

Towing Tanks | Conventional 51-100m | USA

The University of California opened its doors in 1869.

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University of Michigan

Towing Tanks | Circulating Water Channels | Conventional 101-200m | USA

The University of Michigan was founded in 1817 as one of the first public universities in USA. MHL (Marine Hydrodynamics Laboratory) has the first towing tank owned and operated by an educational institution in the United States, built in 1905.

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University of New Orleans

Towing Tanks | Conventional Shorter Than 50m | USA

The University of New Orleans was established on 1956.

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