NavigationArsenalSpecialized Tools → Hydrostatics and Stability

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Hydrostatics and Stability

Listed in Alphabetical Order


Hydrostatics and Stability

Autohydro is a hydrostatics and stability program for marine vessels. It performs intact and damaged analyses and produces customizable stability reports which are accepted by all major approval bodies.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Delftship Professional

Hull Design | Hydrostatics and Stability | Surface Modeling | Subdivisions

DELFTship Professional is a hullform modeler using the same modeling kernel as the DELFTship Free. It is extended with extra features such as automated fairing algorithms and additional import/export formats.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hydrostatics and Stability

DFhydro is the naval architecture calculations module of Defcar system. The vessel hydrostatic and stability characteristics are calculated, undamaged or damaged, as in calm water as in waves of any length and height.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Hull Design | Hydrostatics and Stability | Resistance and Power Prediction | Surface Modeling | Subdivisions

FreeShip Plus modeling kernel is purely based on subdivision surfaces. It uses a mixture of loop subdivision and Catmull Clark subdivision surfaces called quad-triangle subdivision. This enables the user to design the most complex surfaces with only one surface.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Open Source


Hydrostatics and Stability

GHS is a software system for the design and evaluation of all types of ships and floating structures. It  addresses flotation, trim, stability and strength by calculating the forces involved using mathematical geometrical models of the vessels.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hydrostatics and Stability | Ship Loading and Onboard Stability

The HST program is the Wolfson Unit's Hydrostatics, Stability and Tank Capacities Program allowing both the definition of hull geometry and also the calculation of the standard hydrostatic and stability parameters of a vessel as well as tank capacity data.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hydrostatics and Stability

Hydro is a hydrostatics and intact stability program for Multisurf. It will automatically equilibrate the vessel to the correct equilibrium heel angle and it can calculate the stability curve for a vessel whose CG is off-center for any range of heel angles.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Maat Hydro

Hydrostatics and Stability

Maat Hydro‘s hydrostatic engine is able to calculate the behavior of any kind of floating object in any condition. Ship balance analysis, hydrostatic or cross curves, tank capacity, longitudinal or intact and damaged transversal stability can be calculated directly.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Maxsurf Stability

Hydrostatics and Stability

Maxsurf Stability module provides graphical and interactive calculation of intact and damaged stability and strength for all types of Maxsurf  designs.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial

Naval Designer

Hull Design | Hydrostatics and Stability | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Naval Designer is an integrated software dedicated to naval architecture. It offers at the same time a graphic modeler, a studio of virtual reality and specific tools for boat design.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Transformation | Hydrostatics and Stability | Resistance and Power Prediction

PIAS, which is an acronym for Program for the Integral Approach of Shipdesign, is an integrated computer program for ship design. It comprises modules for the design of hull and internal geometry, and for the computation and assessment of intact stability, damage stability, longitudinal strength, resistance and propulsion.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Sea Hydro

Hydrostatics and Stability

Sea Hydro uses results from Sea Solution and can make control calculations for hydrostatics and stability. The system has no limitations for hull shape and for number of input data.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

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