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Virtual Marine Arsenal



This is the list of publications evaluated and used as a reference for the new Virtual Marine Arsenal directory section:

  1. Computational Geometry - Lecture 1, 2003, Nicholas M. Patrikalakis
  2. A Survey: Application of Geometric Modeling Techniques to Ship Modeling and Design, 2010, Kwang Hee Ko
  3. Modeling of Ship Surface with Non Uniform B-Spline, 2011, Vo Trong Cang - Tat Hien Le
  4. Introduction to Geometric Modeling, Manuel Ventura
  5. Geometric Modeling of the Hull Form, Manuel Ventura
  6. Explicit Matrix Representation for NURBS Curves and Surfaces, 2002, Ligang Liu - Guojin Wang
  7. Geometric Modeling in Design of Naval Elements, 2003, Oscar E. Ruiz - Xoán Leiceaga Baltar - Manuel Rodríguez Pérez - José Prieto Villar
  8. Triangular NURBS and their Dynamic Generalizations, 1996, Hong Qin - Demetri Terzopoulos
  9. Dynamic NURBS with Geometric Constraints for Interactive Sculpting, 1994, Demetri Terzopoulos - Hong Qin
  10. If You Know B-Splines Well, You Also Know NURBS!, 2004, John Fisher - John Lowther - Ching Kuang Shene
  11. On NURBS: A Survey, 1991, Les Piegl
  12. NURBS Compatible Subdivision Surfaces, 2010,  Thomas J. Cashman
  13. An Overview of Autosea2, 2000, Paul Bremner - Hugues Nelisse - Phil Shorter
  14. Boundary Layer Codes for Students in Java, 1998, W.J. Devenport - J.A. Schetz
  15. Angora: a Free Software Package for Finite-Difference Time-Domain Electromagnetic Simulation, 2013, İlker R. Çapoğlu - Allen Taflove - Vadim Backman
  16. Towards High Performance Optimizations of the Unstructured Open-Source SU2 Suite, 2015, Thomas D. Economon - Francisco Palacios - Juan J. Alonso
  17. Experimental and Numerical Study of the Turbulence Characteristics of Air Flow Around a Research Vessel, 2003, Stephane Popinet - Murray Smith - Craig Stevens

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