CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Strip Theory |
PDStrip (Public Domain Strip) computes the seakeeping of ships and other floating bodies according to the strip method. Responses in regular waves are given as response amplitude operators.
PDStrip has been written in Fortran 90/95. It can handle unsymmetrical bodies including heeled ships. Forces on fins or sails can be taken into account. |
Operating System(s):
License: Public Domain |
CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Strip Theory |
Powersea predicts the motion of a planing boat in calm water, regular or irregular seas. With specified forward velocity or thrust and the shape of the waves or wave spectrum it calculates the hull’s motion including surge, heave and pitch displacements, velocities and accelerations. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | FEM | BEM |
SeaFEM is a platform for seakeeping analysis, offering a suite of tools for the analysis of the effects of waves, wing and currents on naval and offshore structures also for maneuvering studies. The software is integrated part of Tdyn suite. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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Ship Motions
CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Strip Theory |
The Ship Motions is a program for predicting regular wave responses and statistical information from an initial hull geometry. The motion can be calculated with five degrees of freedom: heave, sway, roll, yaw and pitch. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Strip Theory |
ShipmoPC is a strip theory-based, frequency domain seakeeping code capable of computing the six degrees-of-freedom motions of a monohull with forward speeds in regular as well as irregular seas of arbitrary headings. It permits the user to specify any combination of the following appendages: bilge keels, skegs, fin stabilizers, anti-rolling tanks propeller shaft brackets and rudders. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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CFD for Ship Resistance | CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | SPH |
SPH-flow is a meshless Lagrangian solver for simulation of flows with very high dynamics such as impact, sloshing, slamming. It is also suitable for flows over complex geometries, flows around moving or deformable bodies or the simulation of coupled fluid structure interaction problems. |
License: Commercial |
CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Panel Methods |
Swan-2 is a computational fluid dynamic program for the analysis of the steady and unsteady zero-speed and forward-speed free surface flows past ships which are stationary or cruising in water of infinite or finite depth or in a channel.
Swan-2 implements a fully 3D approach based on the distribution of Rankine sources over the wetted and the free surface. The linear free surface condition is satisfied, while it has the capability of taking into account the non-linear Froude-Krylov and hydrostatic forces. |
License: Unknown |
Trident WaveLoad
CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Panel Methods |
WaveLoad performs seakeeping analysis to predict motions, hull pressure distributions and sea loads for ships with variable forward speed in waves. Mono or multi-hull ships can be modelled in regular or irregular waves and any sea state. WaveLoad is available in both frequency domain and time domain versions. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Panel Methods |
Wadam is a general frequency domain hydrodynamic analysis program for calculating wave-structure interaction for fixed and floating structures of arbitrary shape. Airy wave theory is applied and results are presented as complex transfer functions or as deterministic results for specified phases of the wave. The radiation-diffraction part of Wadam is based on software developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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