Virtual Marine Arsenal

Boundary Element Method

Listed in Alphabetical Order


Hydroacoustics | FEM | BEM

Avast is used for the numerical prediction of the acoustic radiation and scattering from floating or submerged elastic structures immersed in fluid domains. It combines both the finite element method for the structure and the boundary element method for the fluid.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial


Magnetics | Electrics | BEM

Beasy is used to predict the performance of cathodic protection systems and to minimise the associated electric and magnetic signatures by modeling the electrochemistry on the metal surfaces of the vessel and the electric fields in the sea water surrounding the vessel.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial

Multiphysics | RANS-URANS | Linear | Nonlinear | FEM | BEM

Elmer is a finite element software package for the solution of partial differential equations.  Elmer can deal with a great number of different equations,  which may be coupled in a generic manner making Elmer a versatile  tool  for  multiphysical  simulations.

As  an  open  source  software,  Elmer  also  gives  the  user  the means to modify the existing solution procedures and to develop new solvers for equations of interest to the user.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Open Source


CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | FEM | BEM

SeaFEM is a platform for seakeeping analysis, offering a suite of tools for the analysis of the effects of waves, wing and currents on naval and offshore structures also for maneuvering studies. The software is integrated part of Tdyn suite.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

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