Virtual Marine Arsenal

Finite Difference Method

Listed in Alphabetical Order


CFD for Ship Resistance | CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | RANS-URANS | LES-DES | FDM

CFDShip-Iowa solves the incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and continuity equations with a variety of turbulence models, and a single-phase level set method to accommodate free surface problems. Since it has been specifically developed for surface-ship and marine-propulsor flow problems, it has an array of ship hydrodynamic specific subroutines and post-processors.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Unix
License: Unknown Visit Website

Special Purpose CFD | RANS-URANS | LES-DES | FDM | LSM | VOF

Reef3D is a CFD program with special focus on solving problems in the field of marine, coastal and ocean engineering. The code is fully parallelized using the MPI library and tested up to 1024 processors.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Open Source

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