NavigationArsenalComputer Aided EngineeringPreProcessing → Cartesian Mesher

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Cartesian Mesher

Listed in Alphabetical Order


PreProcessing | Special Purpose CFD | Cartesian Mesher | Hex Dominant

Cart3D is an inviscid analysis package for conceptual and preliminary aerodynamic design. The package features fully-integrated adjoint-driven mesh adaptation and also includes utilities for geometry import, surface modeling and intersection, mesh generation, and post-processing of results.

Meshes automatically refine as simulations evolve to reduce error in aerodynamic outputs. Flow solvers run in parallel and to take full advantage of multi-core and multi-cpu hardware.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
License: Unknown Visit Website


PreProcessing | Cartesian Mesher

CFD-VisCART is an adaptive Cartesian mesh generation system for use with the CFD-ACE+ and CFD-FASTRAN flow solvers. CFD-VisCART is ideally suited for extremely complex geometries such as underhood for automotive applications and full aircraft configurations for aerospace applications.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


PreProcessing | Cartesian Mesher

Harpoon is a fully automatic body-fitted hex-dominant mesher. The automatic generation of volume meshes and/or surface meshes removes the need for time-consuming surface mesh generation and grid density specification.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Unix
License: Commercial Visit Website


PreProcessing | Cartesian Mesher

Submarine combines the meshing capabilities of Harpoon with solvers such as OpenFOAM and Fluent, to produce a single, extremely simple environment for meshing, solving and visualizing the most complex CFD problems.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial

NavigationArsenalComputer Aided EngineeringPreProcessing → Cartesian Mesher

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