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Virtual Marine Arsenal

Online Calculators

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Coastal Engineering

Online Calculators

A listing of Java applets that might prove of use in coastal engineering such as hydrodynamics wave calculator, linear wave kinematics, superposition of waves, harmonic theory of tides and much more.

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Online Calculators

Java applets for engineering education; a project funded by the National Science Foundation. Covers fluid dynamics, statics and dynamics with applets such as Thermodynamics of Air, Boundary Layers, Compressible Aerodynamics, Vortex Panel Method, Mohr's Circle, Beam Analysis,Projectile Motions...

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Engineers Edge

Online Calculators

Mechanical design, manufacturing and engineering calculators and equations which works in a Java enabled browser.

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Online Calculators

A Java applet for computing the thermodynamic properties of air under equilibrium conditions.

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Ocean Wave Parameters

Online Calculators

This simple JavaScript calculator at link will allow you to compute any wave parameter (other than amplitude) from any other.

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Oceanographic Utilities

Online Calculators

Java and Javascript calculators for density from temperature, salinity and pressure, sound speed from temperature, salinity and pressure. potential temperature from in-situ temperature and pressure, freezing point of seawater and more.

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