It can compute:
- Monostatic RCS for a variety of angles or positions (SAR)
- Bistatic RCS for a variety of angles
- Antenna pattern
- Electric and/or magnetic dipole excitation
- Plane-wave excitation
- A combination of the above
The method used is the boundary elements ethod, also commonly known as the method of moments (MOM). The basis functions used are the Rao-Wilton-Glisson triangular rooftops. The integral equation implemented is the combined fields integral equation (CFIE) formulation, which can be degenerated into an electric field integral equation (EFIE) or magnetic field integral equation (MFIE).
Puma-EM also makes use of the Multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM or MLFMA) for speeding up the computations and also allowing a larger number of basis RWG functions (and hence allowing to solve larger problems) than with the classical MOM.

Image.1) A Pum-EM result on the Nasa Almond test case. Frequency is 757MHZ. Red line is Puma-EM, black starts are experiment values, polarization is HH. Data post-processed by gnumeric.