Virtual Marine Arsenal

Thin Ship Theory

Listed in Alphabetical Order

Special Purpose CFD | Thin Ship Theory

Free Internet Rowing Model (FIRM) is a research code. FIRM evolved from an initial attempt at a reasonably comprehensive rowing model named “Michlet Rowing”.

In its present form the model tries to fill a need for a useful tool that lies somewhere between a full 3D model with CFD calculations of the complex flow fields, and simpler models that treat the rowers’ bodies as point masses and that use empirical approximations for the drag on the boat and rowers.

Operating System(s):
  • Dos
License: Freeware

CFD for Ship Resistance | Thin Ship Theory

Flotilla is a computer workbench that can be used for investigations into some aspects of ship hydrodynamics. Flotilla is not suitable for many classes of hulls. It cannot handle planing hulls or very stubby vessels like tugboats. However, it provides very acceptable predictions for hulls with L/B as low as 5 when the hull has a transom stern.

Operating System(s):
  • Dos
License: Freeware

Optimization | Thin Ship Theory

Godzilla is "Genetic Optimisation and Design of Zoomorphs Is Leo Lazauskas’s Acronym". It is the evolutionary optimisation module for Michlet. Evolutionary algorithms use principles gleaned from natural genetics and evolution to guide the search for global optima of difficult functions.

Operating System(s):
  • Dos
License: Freeware


CFD for Ship Resistance | CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | Thin Ship Theory | Strip Theory

Integrated Hydrodynamics Design Environment (IHDE) is a tool which developed by NSWCCD to execute analyses of alternatives for dozens of ship concept options quickly with reasonable accuracy by combined resistance and seakeeping predictions. IHDE is available for use on US Government projects only.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Unknown

CFD for Ship Resistance | Thin Ship Theory

Mchl is a software for calculating the wave making resistance considering an effect of the gradient of hull form in the depth direction based on linear approximation, which is made by modifying the original Michell’s thin ship formulation and by using Havelock’s Green function.

Operating System(s):
  • Dos
License: Freeware

CFD for Ship Resistance | Thin Ship Theory | Pressure

Michlet is a computer workbench that can be used for investigations into some aspects of ship hydrodynamics. Although it is not a ship design program, Michlet can be used for preliminary design work such as estimating the resistance, wave elevation patterns and bottom pressure signatures of monohulls, multihulls and submarines.

Operating System(s):
  • Dos
License: Freeware

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