General Purpose CFD | RANS-URANS | Quad-Hex | Tri-Tet |
The Computational Fluid Dynamics capability in Abaqus/CFD provides technology for simulating incompressible fluid flow, including turbulence and deforming meshes. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex |
cheetahSTC takes CAD integration one step further and it creates a new higher order mesh definition, the Cell3 that is operated on as CAD geometry. It works inside Rhinoceros3D as a plug-in. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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PreProcessing | Airfoils and Wings | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex |
Construct2D is an open source preprocessor for building the computational structured grids around wing sections. It may also work for other shapes though. Basically it works on 2D but also has a limited 3D capability by extruding the 3D grid on z axis. |
Operating System(s):
License: Open Source |
PreProcessing | PostProcessing | Structured Mesher | Unstructured Mesher | Quad-Hex | Tri-Tet |
Femap is an advanced engineering simulation software program that creates finite element analysis models of complex engineering products and systems, and displays solution results. Femap also offers geometry creation and modification functions so you can make necessary model changes in preparation for finite element model creation. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
PreProcessing | PostProcessing | Unstructured Mesher | Quad-Hex | Tri-Tet |
GiD is a universal and adaptive pre and postprocessor for numerical simulations in science and engineering. It has been designed to cover all the common needs in the numerical simulations field from pre to post-processing: geometrical modeling, effective definition of analysis data, meshing, data transfer to analysis software, as well as the visualization of numerical results. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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PreProcessing | PostProcessing | Unstructured Mesher | Quad-Hex | Tri-Tet |
Gmsh is a three-dimensional finite element grid generator with a build-in CAD engine and post-processor. Its design goal is to provide a fast, light and user-friendly meshing tool with parametric input and advanced visualization capabilities. Gmsh is built around four modules: geometry, mesh, solver and post-processing. |
Operating System(s):
- Linux
- MacOS
- Windows
- Unix
License: Open Source |
PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Unstructured Mesher | Quad-Hex | Tri-Tet |
Gridgen is Pointwise's legacy software, used by engineers and scientists worldwide since 1984 to reliably generate grids for CFD. Gridgen is being used to prepare geometry data for computer simulations of fluid flow and supports neutral, native, and defacto standard interfaces to CFD solvers (including the specification of solver boundary conditions), grid files, and geometry formats. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex |
HypGrid is a grid generator based on hyperbolic equation for orthogonality and cell area. The 2D grid generator can make C, H and O meshes. HypGrid3D is a 3D mulitblock hyperbolic grid generator based on equation for orthogonality and cell volume. It is used in connection with EllipSys3D solver. |
License: Unknown |
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Kubrix Block Ranger
PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex |
Kubrix BlockRanger is an interactive hexahedral grid generation plug-in for Rhino 5. It builds block-structured hexahedral meshes for Finite-Element, Finite Volume Analysis Computational Fluid Dynamics. Volume grids can be saved in the Abaqus, Ansys, CCFD, FLAC3D, I-DEAS, LS-DYNA, NASTRAN, PATRAN and VRML. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex |
TrueGrid is a mesh generator and pre-processor for FEA and CFD Analysis. All meshes are composed of block structured hex or quad grids. The TrueGrid projection method conforms the mesh to the shape of the geometry. This geometry can come from many sources including IGES, STL or Polygon data files, as well as other non-standard forms of geometry such as digital laser-scanned data. |
Operating System(s):
License: Commercial |
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