NavigationArsenalSpecialized Tools → Airfoils and Wings

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Airfoils and Wings

Listed in Alphabetical Order

PreProcessing | Airfoils and Wings | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex

Construct2D is an open source preprocessor for building the computational structured grids around wing sections. It may also work for other shapes though. Basically it works on 2D but also has a limited 3D capability by extruding the 3D grid on z axis.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Open Source


Airfoils and Wings

The Foil is a design and analysis program provides a CAD user interface and CAD file export for the well known Eppler Analysis code package. Valid for Reynolds Number (Less than 10 million) operation.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Airfoils and Wings

The Loft makes the design of typical keels and rudders a quick task. A planform is designed by entering the desired keel or rudder span, leading edge sweep angle, then root and tip chord lengths and thicknesses. Loft allows the choice of elliptical or parabolic trailing edge shapes.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

MultiSurface Aerodynamics

Airfoils and Wings | Vortex Lattice

MultiSurface Aerodynamics is a tool to solve many problems in the conceptual and multi preliminary design and analysis of airplane, sailboat keels and rudders and hydrofoils. The software also model a body of revolution to simulate an airplane fuselage, a bulb for a keel and other applications.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Airfoils and Wings | Panel Methods

NEWPAN2D is a tools for the inviscid analysis of two-dimensional multi-element aerofoils. The area of application is concentrated on low-speed applications, i.e. subsonic Mach numbers.

Operating System(s):
  • Unix
License: Commercial Visit Website


Airfoils and Wings | Panel Methods

VisualFoil is an easy-to-use airfoil analysis and design software and it can determine the best cross section shapes for wings, spoilers, struts, hydrofoils, keels, rudders and other aerodynamic and support structures. The NACA Version is suitable for most users who need to analyze and obtain data for NACA airfoil shapes.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Airfoils and Wings

Wings32 is a keel and rudder design tool that is capable of creating virtually any shape keel or rudder. In particular, Wings32 is capable of creating bulbed keels made up of up to 50 foils, placed anywhere on the keel or rudder span that provides a NURBS surface to define the keel or rudder.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Airfoils and Wings | Panel Methods | Vortex Lattice

XFLR5 is an analysis tool for airfoils, wings and planes operating at low Reynolds Numbers.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
License: Open Source

Airfoils and Wings | Panel Methods

XFOIL is an interactive program for the design and analysis of subsonic isolated airfoils.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
  • Unix
License: Open Source

NavigationArsenalSpecialized Tools → Airfoils and Wings

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