Virtual Marine Arsenal


Listed in Alphabetical Order

Cranfield University

Towing Tanks | Conventional Shorter Than 50m | UK

The facility was specifically designed for model testing at the early stage of marine renewable projects. In particular, dynamic response of support structures in wind-wave-current, turbine design and turbine performance assessment.

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Newcastle University

Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Conventional Shorter Than 50m | UK

The School of Marine Science and Technology has a 37 metre towing tank which is used for model experiments related to the performance of ships and other marine vehicles.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Rotating Arm Basins | Conventional 201-300m | Ocean Basins | UK

QinetiQ was formed in 2001, when the Ministry of Defence (MOD) split its Defence Evaluation and Research Agency (DERA) in two.

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University of Southampton

Towing Tanks | Conventional 101-200m | UK

University of Southampton represent the largest and most diverse engineering and environmental science grouping in the UK.

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University of Strathclyde

Towing Tanks | Conventional 51-100m | UK

University of Strathclyde has a history stretching back to 1882 and the Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering is a key provider of Marine Technology expertise in the UK.

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