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Virtual Marine Arsenal

Letter "D"
Categories beginning with "D"
Deep Sea Tanks

Deep Sea Tanks (5/- )

Degaussing and Magnetics

Degaussing and Magnetics (1/- )


Denmark (1/- )


Depressurized (2/- )


DNS (3/- )

Entries beginning with "D"


Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 51-100m | Italy

Università degli Studi di Genova has DITEN (Dipartimento di Ingegneria Navale, Electrica, Elletronica e delle Telecomunicazioni) hydrodynamic laboratories.

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Ship Classification Societies

DNV-GL provides ship classification services. It is a new formation of Det Norske Veritas and Germanischer Lloyd.

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Dreadnought Project

Technical Drawings

Scans of original high-res German and French naval ships between 1874-1944. Excellent resource!

License: Unknown Visit Website


Towing Tanks | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | Conventional 51-100m | High Speed | Shallow Water | Germany

Development Centre for Ship Technology and Transport Systems established in 1954 with the name of VBD in Duisburg. It's specialisation is shallow water hydrodynamics.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Rotating Arm Basins | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | High Speed | Hydroacoustic Tanks | Conventional Longer Than 601m | USA

The David Taylor Model Basin (DTMB) was conceived, designed, and built by the United States Navy Department for building and testing ship models.

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Towing Tanks | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | Conventional 101-200m | China

Dalian University of Technology has a shipbuilding research center and also coastal and offshore engineering laboratory.

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