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Virtual Marine Arsenal

Deep Sea Tanks

Listed in Alphabetical Order

ARL Penn State

Cavitation Tunnels | Deep Sea Tanks | Hydroacoustic Testing | USA

Applied Research Laboratory - ARL at Penn State is an integral part of one of the leading research universities in USA. ARL Penn State, a U.S. Navy University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) as designated by DoD, maintains a long-term strategic relationship with the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and the Office of Naval Research (ONR).

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Ocean Basins | Hydroacoustic Tanks | Deep Sea Tanks | Japan

Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) has the main objective to contribute to the advancement of academic research in addition to the improvement of marine science and technology.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Ice Basins | Conventional 101-200m | Ocean Basins | Deep Sea Tanks | South Korea

KRISO stands for Korea Research Institute of Ships and Ocean Engineering and founded in 1973.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | Ice Basins | Conventional 301-450m | Ocean Basins | Deep Sea Tanks | Japan

National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI) has been established in 1916  as the Ship Equipment Inspection Station under the Ministry of Telecommunication and Transport in Japan.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 451-600m | Hydroacoustic Tanks | Deep Sea Tanks | Hydroacoustic Testing | Underwater Shock Testing | Degaussing and Magnetics | India

Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL) is a part of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence of India.

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