NavigationArsenalHydro Testing FacilitiesTowing Tanks → Conventional 451-600m

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Conventional Towing Tanks: 451-600m

Listed in Alphabetical Order


Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Rotating Arm Basins | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | High Speed | Conventional 451-600m | Depressurized | China

China Ship Scientific Research Center is a ship and ocean engineering research institute possessing more than 500 research engineers and 22 large-scaled test facilities, mainly engaged in the research and consultation of ship hydrodynamic performance, propulsion, high performance ships, underwater engineering, vibration and noise reduction, underwater structure, marine and offshore structures. Founded in 1965.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Rotating Arm Basins | Seakeeping and Maneuvering Basins | Conventional 451-600m | France

DGA Hydrodynamics (formerly Bassin d'Essaies des Carénes) is a testing center and research in hydrodynamics and ship hydroacoustic, dependent on the Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) of the French Ministry of Defence.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Circulating Water Channels | Conventional 201-300m | High Speed | Conventional 451-600m | Free Running Hydrodynamics | Italy

INSEAN is a Research Institute active in the field of naval architecture and marine engineering within the frame of the National Research Council of Italy.

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Towing Tanks | Cavitation Tunnels | Conventional 451-600m | Hydroacoustic Tanks | Deep Sea Tanks | Hydroacoustic Testing | Underwater Shock Testing | Degaussing and Magnetics | India

Naval Science & Technological Laboratory (NSTL) is a part of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) works under Department of Defence Research and Development of Ministry of Defence of India.

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NavigationArsenalHydro Testing FacilitiesTowing Tanks → Conventional 451-600m

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