NavigationArsenalComputer Aided Design → Hull Design

Virtual Marine Arsenal

Hull Design

Listed in Alphabetical Order


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

ProSurf is a NURB surface modeler with functions like trimming, sweeping, lofting, extruding, 2D shapes, and 3D solids. Hydrostatics, stability, and resistance calculations are available. There is a set of import and export file options, like DXF, IGES and TXT formats. You can also read and write hull offsets formats, like SHCP, GHS, and NWS.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Sea Solution Surface

Hull Design | Surface Modeling

The Sea Solution is CAD system for shipbuilding and consist of two main modules: Surface and Shell. The Surface Module is able to define hull surfaces for any type of ships, surfaces of superstructures, decks, platforms and bulkheads.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Design | Surface Modeling

ShipShape is a program for creating, fairing and interpolating a set of ship's lines. It has been configured to interface with the existing Wolfson Unit Hydrostacis and Stability Suite of programs.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Freeware Visit Website
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NavigationArsenalComputer Aided Design → Hull Design

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