Virtual Marine Arsenal


Listed in Alphabetical Order


Industrial Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Alias is an industrial design software provides sketching, modeling, surfacing, and visualization tools for industrial, product and automotive design.

Operating System(s):
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Commercial

Anvil Express

Mechanical CAD | Parasolid | Surface Modeling | Solid Modeling | Nurbs

Anvil Express is available in a variety of configurations, ranging from basic design and drafting systems to full-featured CAD through CAM systems with surface modeling, automatic solid modeling, assembly modeling, rendering, pre and postprocessing, 2-1/2 to 5 axis CAM, and NC tool paths.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Ashlar Vellum

Mechanical CAD | Acis | Surface Modeling | Solid Modeling | Nurbs

Ashlar-Vellum CAD and 3D Modeling products include: Graphite for 2D/3D drafting, Cobalt for parametric 3D modeling,  Xenon for associative 3D modeling and Argon for history-free 3D modeling.

Operating System(s):
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Autoship hull design/surface modeling program uses NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline) mathematics, for surface modeling to create any hull shape including the superstructure and appendages.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Mechanical CAD | Surface Modeling | Solid Modeling | Nurbs

CadMax Solid Master offers feature-based solid modeling, boolean solid modeling, free-form surface modeling and 2D drafting all integrated into a single application.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Integrated Ship Design | Mechanical CAD | Surface Modeling | Solid Modeling | Nurbs | Subdivisions

Catia provides product specification driven modeling for surface, solid, hybrid and sheet metal part design, assembly design, analysis and also naval architecture solutions.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

DFform is the surface modeling module of Defcar System and uses surfaces for defining vessel forms. It allows the definition of the vessel in a continuous three-dimensional way.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

FastShip is a program for designing hulls, superstructures, appendages, and other marine structures, with the ability to design fair surfaces.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Industrial Design | Acis | Surface Modeling | Solid Modeling | Nurbs | Subdivisions

form-Z is a 3D design application based on 3D solid and surface modeling methods for design, visualization, layout, animation and fabrication. It supports both NURBS and Subdivision Surfaces.

Operating System(s):
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

Maxsurf Modeler

Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Maxsurf Modeler provides modeling of all types of hulls, superstructures and appendages. An unlimited number of trimmed Nurbs surfaces can be used to model any vessel.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial

Naval Designer

Hull Design | Hydrostatics and Stability | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Naval Designer is an integrated software dedicated to naval architecture. It offers at the same time a graphic modeler, a studio of virtual reality and specific tools for boat design.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

PolyCAD brings together a of hull surface design techniques within a user interface which allows the manipulation of geometry in 3D dimensions and supports the direct manipulation of NURBS surfaces and parametric hull generation.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Hull Design | Surface Modeling | Nurbs

Prolines is a 3D NURB surface design and analysis tool for boat, canoe, ship, yacht, work boat design analysis and development.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website
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