Catia provides product specification driven modeling for surface, solid, hybrid and sheet metal part design, assembly design, analysis and also naval architecture solutions.
DELFTship Free is a fully functional 3D hullform modeling program perfectly suited for students, home users or anyone else with an interest in ship design.
DELFTship Professional is a hullform modeler using the same modeling kernel as the DELFTship Free. It is extended with extra features such as automated fairing algorithms and additional import/export formats.
form-Z is a 3D design application based on 3D solid and surface modeling methods for design, visualization, layout, animation and fabrication. It supports both NURBS and Subdivision Surfaces.
FreeShip Plus modeling kernel is purely based on subdivision surfaces. It uses a mixture of loop subdivision and Catmull Clark subdivision surfaces called quad-triangle subdivision. This enables the user to design the most complex surfaces with only one surface.
Operating System(s):
License: Open Source
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