Hamburgische Schiffbau Versuchsanstalt / the Hamburg Ship Model Basin or HSVA is a private, self-supporting, non-profit organisation providing research and consultancy services to the worldwide maritime industry.
Indonesian Hydrodynamics Laboratory (IHL) is an advance research laboratory by BPPT (the Agency for Assessment and Application of Technology) with sophisticated facilities.
INSEAN is a Research Institute active in the field of naval architecture and marine engineering within the frame of the National Research Council of Italy.
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi (İTÜ) has Ata Nutku Gemi Model Deney Laboratuvarı operating within the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering. İTÜ has been founded in 1776 as the name of Mühendishane-i Bahr-i Hümayûn for specifically naval engineering purpose.
Founded in 1894, Naval Administration Towing Tank is the first in Russia and the sixth in the world research institution performing ship model tests to find engine power requirements for specified speeds and hull lines with the least power requirements.
The Maritime Research Institute Netherlands was founded in 1929 as the Netherlands Ship Model Basin (NSMB) by the Dutch government and industry. Work was started in 1932, following completion of the deep water towing tank.
In 1884 the founder of Mitsubishi took a lease of Government-owned Nagasaki Shipyard. This shipbuilding business was later turned into Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Co. Ltd. and was again launched as Mitsubishi Heavy-Industries, Ltd. (MHI) in 1934.
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