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Virtual Marine Arsenal

Letter "C"
Categories beginning with "C"
CAD Integrated CFD

CAD Integrated CFD (2/- )


Canada (2/- )

Cartesian Mesher

Cartesian Mesher (4/- )

Cavitation Tunnels

Cavitation Tunnels (43/- )

CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering

CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering (27/- )

CFD for Ship Resistance

CFD for Ship Resistance (17/- )


China (9/- )

Circulating Water Channels

Circulating Water Channels (33/- )


Composites (6/- )

Computer Aided Design

Computer Aided Design (46/18 )

Integrated Ship Design, Hull Design, Hull Transformation, Industrial Design, Mechanical CAD, Geometry Kernels, Geometry Representation

Computer Aided Engineering

Computer Aided Engineering (127/48 )

Fluid Mechanics, Structural Mechanics, Multiphysics, PreProcessing, PostProcessing, Optimization, Kinematics and Dynamics, Numerical Methods

Computer Aided Manufacturing

Computer Aided Manufacturing (15/5 )

Ship Structural Detailing, Shell Expansion, Part Nesting, Piping and Outfitting, Cost Analysis

Conventional 101-200m

Conventional 101-200m (25/- )

Conventional 201-300m

Conventional 201-300m (18/- )

Conventional 301-450m

Conventional 301-450m (5/- )

Conventional 451-600m

Conventional 451-600m (4/- )

Conventional 51-100m

Conventional 51-100m (24/- )

Conventional Longer Than 601m

Conventional Longer Than 601m (2/- )

Conventional Shorter Than 50m

Conventional Shorter Than 50m (9/- )

Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis (1/- )


Countries (97/30 )

Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany...


Croatia (1/- )

Entries beginning with "C"



This is a free community for everyone interested in Computational Fluid Dynamics.

Visit Website



CFD Review is a news/support/information clearinghouse for the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) community.

Visit Website



CFD-View is an interactive environment with multiple graphics tools lets the user easily visualize the flow physics, animate transient data sets, as well as extract data relevant to engineering design. It is seamlessly used with CFD-Ace+ and CFD-Fastran. Also supports Plot3D, Spray, STL, TAB input formats.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


PreProcessing | Cartesian Mesher

CFD-VisCART is an adaptive Cartesian mesh generation system for use with the CFD-ACE+ and CFD-FASTRAN flow solvers. CFD-VisCART is ideally suited for extremely complex geometries such as underhood for automotive applications and full aircraft configurations for aerospace applications.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website



CFdesign is a simulation tool for fluid flow, heat transfer and electronics coolings simulation tool for CAD-centric product design engineers using AutoDesk Inventor, AutoDesk Revit, CATIA, CoCreate OneSpace, Pro/Engineer, SolidWorks, SolidEdge, SpaceClaim or Siemens NX/IDEAS.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial


CFD for Ship Resistance | CFD for Ship Motions and Maneuvering | RANS-URANS | LES-DES | FDM

CFDShip-Iowa solves the incompressible Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes and continuity equations with a variety of turbulence models, and a single-phase level set method to accommodate free surface problems. Since it has been specifically developed for surface-ship and marine-propulsor flow problems, it has an array of ship hydrodynamic specific subroutines and post-processors.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Unix
License: Unknown Visit Website


PreProcessing | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex

cheetahSTC takes CAD integration one step further and it creates a new higher order mesh definition, the Cell3 that is operated on as CAD geometry. It works inside Rhinoceros3D as a plug-in.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website


Special Purpose CFD | Undex

Chinook is numerical analysis software for the prediction of explosive blast effects on buildings, vehicles, ships etc. Models available for a range of materials including gases, liquids, solids, particles, droplets and explosives and mixtures of materials.

Operating System(s):
  • Windows
License: Commercial

Chungnam National University

Cavitation Tunnels | South Korea

Chungnam National University (CNU) was founded in 1952.

Visit Website

Coastal Engineering

Online Calculators

A listing of Java applets that might prove of use in coastal engineering such as hydrodynamics wave calculator, linear wave kinematics, superposition of waves, harmonic theory of tides and much more.

Visit Website


Multiphysics | Parasolid | Linear | Nonlinear | Implicit | FEM

COMSOL Multiphysics includes a GUI and a set of predefined user interfaces with associated modeling tools, referred to as physics interfaces. The physics-based modules of COMSOL provide interfaces for electrical, mechanical, fluid flow, and chemical applications. Any number of modules can be seamlessly combined to handle challenging multiphysics applications.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • Windows
License: Commercial Visit Website

PreProcessing | Airfoils and Wings | Structured Mesher | Quad-Hex

Construct2D is an open source preprocessor for building the computational structured grids around wing sections. It may also work for other shapes though. Basically it works on 2D but also has a limited 3D capability by extruding the 3D grid on z axis.

Operating System(s):
  • Linux
  • MacOS
  • Windows
License: Open Source

Cranfield University

Towing Tanks | Conventional Shorter Than 50m | UK

The facility was specifically designed for model testing at the early stage of marine renewable projects. In particular, dynamic response of support structures in wind-wave-current, turbine design and turbine performance assessment.

Visit Website
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